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Eric Zemmour Far Right French Politician On The Rise

Eric Zemmour: Far-Right French Politician on the Rise

From Journalist to Politician

Éric Zemmour is a controversial French far-right politician, essayist, writer, and former political journalist and pundit. Born on August 31, 1958, in Montreuil, Zemmour has become a prominent figure in French politics, leading the Reconquête party.

Allegations of Islamophobia

Zemmour has faced accusations of hostility towards Muslims and Islam, which he has denied. His comments have sparked protests and legal challenges, with three convictions for hate speech and public insults.

Political Ambitions

In November 2021, Zemmour officially declared his candidacy for the 2022 French presidential election. His campaign has centered around anti-immigration, anti-globalist, and conservative social policies.

Political Impact

Zemmour's entry into the race has significantly shifted the political landscape in France. His hardline views have appealed to some voters, but they have also divided the country and raised concerns about the normalization of far-right ideology.
